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Here is a sampling of Impatica's Professional Services work, based on actual projects, all of which were delivered on time and on budget.

Sample #1: Impatica simplifies complex training material

Customer Challenge:
The client had multiple large, graphically intense, PowerPoint presentations they needed compiled into an e-learning format. The end users were wide spread and required the course material, player, and product simulation be on a single CD-ROM.

Impatica's Solution

Presentation Makeover:

  • Optimize the content of eleven PowerPoint presentations (totaling 1250 slides) so that they worked together as a single training guide, for a piece of video equipment.

Presentation Delivery Options:

  • Ensure cross-platform (Mac and Windows) delivery from a CD-ROM by playing the presentation within a Java window, without regard for the end user's Java version.

Customization of Impatica Software:

  • Modify the standard Impatica applet to incorporate bookmarking capabilities for the end user;
  • Integrate with a software emulator (Mac and Windows) that demonstrated the functionality of the video equipment.

Presentation Synchronization:

  • Include seamless playback of nine superior quality demo videos highlighting key elements unique to the client's video editing equipment.

Sample #2: Impatica optimizes presentations for far-reaching distance learning material

Customer Challenge:
The client required multiple PowerPoint presentations be made accessible on CD-ROM and over the company's intranet. The presentations had to be viewable cross-platform and could not drain their bandwidth.

Impatica's Solution

Presentation Makeover:

  • Optimize the content of 67 PowerPoint presentations to ensure superior playback quality once converted into Impatica format.

Presentation Delivery Options:

  • Ensure cross-platform (Mac and Windows) delivery from a CD-ROM and over a corporate intranet.

Customization of Impatica Software:

  • Provide a branded framework to house the presentation during playback;
  • Incorporate client-supplied, HTML-based, simple quizzing at the end of each module.

Presentation Synchronization:

  • Synchronize the contents of each PowerPoint file (slides and animations) to an external video file;
  • Transcribe the video content and arrange for synchronized viewing during the presentation playback;
  • Allow for keyword searching of the transcribed content.

Sample #3: Impatica performs time saving editing to training material

Customer Challenge:
The client was pressed for time and needed to update existing training material to address a corporate rebranding issue.

Impatica's Solution

Presentation Makeover:

  • Produce bilingual (French and English) versions of the presentations.

Presentation Delivery Options:

  • Deliver the content via CD-ROM.

Customization of Impatica Software:

  • Change the branding on the slide content, branded framework and incorporate re-branded video content into the new presentations.

Presentation Synchronization:

  • Synchronize all project elements (slide transitions, animations and PowerPoint notes) together

Sample #4: Impatica customizes existing software to create dynamic tool specific to the client's requirements

Customer Challenge:
The client, a user of Impatica for PowerPoint, needed the converted presentation to meet specific guidelines for branding and accessibility.

Impatica's Solution

Presentation Delivery Options:

  • Ensure cross-platform (Mac and Windows) delivery of the output

Customization of Impatica Software:

  • Create a software tool that would allow for synchronization of a single external video file with a PowerPoint presentation and the notes from the notes section of the same PowerPoint file;
  • Provide a branded framework to house the presentation during playback;
  • Our Development team worked with this company to produce software that met all of their requirements. The result of this collaboration is known today as Impatica OnCue.

Presentation Synchronization:

  • Ensure the ability to synchronize the contents of each PowerPoint file (slides and animations) to an external video file;
  • Transcribe the video content and arrange for synchronized viewing during the presentation playback;
  • Allow for keyword searching of the transcribed content.

Sample #5: Impatica adds specialized software feature.

Customer Challenge:
The client, an Impatica for PowerPoint user, needed to give the viewer access, via hyperlinks, to information outside the presentation and had the unique need to be able to specify, for each hyperlink, whether a new window should open.

Impatica's Solution

Customization of Impatica Software:

  • Our Development team worked with this company to produce an enhancement to Impatica for PowerPoint that allows the project author to select which hyperlinks in their presentation should open in a new window and which should open in the same window.

Additional Resources

Contact sales@impatica.com or call 1-800-548-3475 to discuss your project.